Zamagni Rubinetterie

Consulting and strategy, Digital Marketing, E-commerce, SEO e Content


  • Digital copywriting


  • Analysis and positioning strategy for Amazon marketplace
  • SEO content processing for Amazon algorithm
  • Amazon store development and management
  • Amazon FBA management
  • Planning, setup, management and optimization of Amazon Ads campaigns


Consulting and strategy

Digital Strategy

The customer, without any previous online and digital presence, needed to launch their new product online on the Italian market.

After a preliminary and feasibility analysis, the Amazon marketplace was identified as the main platform for selling the product, to take advantage of the visibility and exposure guaranteed by the channel and to offer the customer the possibility of using Amazon Logistics integrated services.

Digital Marketing

Amazon marketplace

“The Zamagni Rubinetterie brand had no online presence and no Brand Identity to characterize it.
To position it on the market, Key-One started from the conception and development of a Brand Store dedicated to the Zamagni Rubinetterie brand on the Amazon marketplace, a branded store to be considered as a real website directly within the Amazon platform to offer users a personalized shopping experience.

The sales account on Amazon was also integrated with Amazon Prime and with the FBA service for the management of logistics and warehouse systems, offering Zamagni Rubinetterie a complete platform to generate sales through the digital channel.

The Brand Store on Amazon allows the user to:

  • Get to know and become familiar with and trust the Zamagni Rubinetterie brand, discovering its values, characteristics and production methods of the products;

  • Discover the products offered and their characteristics, with highlights on functionality and advantages.


Digital Copywriting

Sales on Amazon are conditioned by the platform’s algorithms and to respond to Amazon’s logic it is necessary to structure the product pages with specific textual content and above all optimized for SEO.

To be able to obtain conversions and purchases on Amazon, the product page must be correctly indexed on the most relevant keywords to the product offered and on search queries to appear in the first results on Amazon.
To take advantage of the Amazon A9 ranking algorithm, Key-One has carried out a market analysis and of competitors already active on Amazon to identify keywords and search queries most used by buyers for the type of product offered by Zamagni Rubinetterie. The selected keywords were subsequently used in the writing phases of textual copy, which describe characteristics, functionality and advantages of the products, and inserted in the Title Tag, Bullet Point and Description that characterize Amazon cards.

SEO e Content

Amazon Advertising

For the launch of the product on the Amazon marketplace, an advertising strategy was defined, still ongoing, both for branding and for conversion purposes.

The goal was to intercept user searches on Amazon to generate traffic to the Zamagni Rubinetterie Store, to work on brand awareness, and in parallel to increase product page views with relevant and optimized ads for conversion purposes. Through the activation of Sponsored Brand, Sponsored Product and Display campaigns, the customer was able to make the Amazon Store its main channel for generating online revenue.

Next Project

Arco e frecce

Development of a new E-commerce platform completely aligned with the company ERP for the management of warehouse stocks, orders and customer records.