
Consulting and strategy, Digital Marketing, E-commerce, Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing, Web & Tech


  • Consulting and strategy
  • E-commerce development
  • Google Advertising
  • Social design
  • UX/UI


  • New SEO optimized e-commerce site
  • Google Ads lead generation and drive to store campaigns
  • Data Protection, Surfing Speed, Hosting & Disaster Recovery


Web and Mobile Development, Consulting and Strategy, Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing, Digital Design


E-commerce development

Prior to Key-One’s intervention, FacileOcchiali was running its online business on an outdated e-commerce platform, which negatively affected user experience and overall sales.

The old platform’s lack of flexibility could not support the client’s growing business volumes.

The new e-commerce was designed with the goal of ensuring:

  • Maximum flexibility and scalability for the customer, both in terms of functionality and performance.
  • Optimal user experience for users, accessible from both mobile and desktop devices, with comprehensive information and a simplified purchase path.

One of the special features of the new site is the advanced configurator for eyewear and lens orders.

This tool allows users to customize every detail of their purchase, selecting parameters such as diopters, cylinder, axis and interpupillary distance, ensuring a perfectly tailored product.

Thanks to the new e-commerce, FacileOcchiali has been able to:

  • Simplify internal management flows.
  • Speed up order management.
  • Improve the conversion rate.

Web & Tech

Data Protection

Data protection is a top priority for FacileOcchiali. We have implemented advanced security measures to ensure that all sensitive user information is protected from external threats.

E-commerce uses SSL/TLS encryption protocols to protect online transactions and secure storage of personal data. In addition, strict privacy and GDPR compliance policies are in place to ensure that data is handled securely and transparently.

Navigation Speed

A fast site is critical to ensuring an excellent User Experience. FacileOcchiali’s new e-commerce site has been optimized to maximize browsing speed on all devices.

Using advanced caching techniques, resource compression, and code optimization, we were able to significantly reduce page load times. This not only improves the user experience, but also contributes to better search engine rankings.

Disaster Recovery

To ensure business continuity, a robust Disaster Recovery plan has been implemented.

This plan includes regular and automated data backups, replication systems, and rapid recovery solutions. In the event of unforeseen events, FacileOcchiali can quickly restore operations without loss of data, minimizing downtime and ensuring that customer service is not interrupted.

Digital Marketing

Google Advertising

In addition to the site redesign, targeted Search, Dislpay and Discovery Google Ads campaigns and drive-to-store strategies were activated, with tracking set up to optimize conversions and comply with GDPR.

Creatives were developed with graphic banners and ads in line with the new look&feel defined during the analysis and strategy definition phase.
Right from the start, the campaigns contributed to a steady and rapid growth in conversions.
These campaigns increased FacileOcchiali’s online visibility and led to a significant increase in sales, both online and in-store.

Next Project


Development of a new E-commerce platform in English, integrated with logistics systems for international product delivery