Examples of brand identity: 50 logos between yesterday and today

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The passing of years can lead to the evolution of several factors within a company. Surely you will be thinking about factors relating to business policies or the renewal of products offered to customers. These elements are fundamental, but they are not the only ones to keep in mind: even logos can evolve their story to express in the best way temporal changes and more. Keeping in line with the increasingly demanding needs and interests of consumers is the only way to withstand a competitive market. For this reason, we want to propose examples of brand identity evolved in the history of some brands’ logos. But what is brand identity? Why is it important for companies?

Brand identity defines the set of all those elements that define the perception and reputation a customer has of a brand. Mission, vision and values ​​must be represented in brand identity.

Creating the corporate logo

What is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of a brand, if not its logo? To define its own brand identity, one of the key steps is to create a corporate logo that reflects who we are, what we want to do and our values. For this reason, it is also important that the logo with the passing of time is updated according to business growth and evolution, following four simple rules:

  • It must be unique: so that it can be brought back to the brand immediately;
  • It must be simple: in the font, shape, and colors
  • It must express only one key message: communication of too many messages delivers the customer from brand identity;
  • It must know what emotions it wants to invoke: there is no room for too many emotions in a single logo.

We propose 50 logos between yesterday and today that have influenced the history of their brand. In how many of these logos can we rebuild the brand identity? Are there any values ​​easily attributable to the brand? If the essential is invisible to the eyes, let’s try and explore it together!

Logo Instagram before and after

Logo Snapchat before and after

Logo Adidas before and after

Logo Volkswagen before and after

Logo Ikea before and after

Logo Kentucky Fried Chicken before and after

Logo Pepsi before and after

Logo Coca Cola before and after

Logo Google before and after

Logo FedEx before and after

Logo Twitter before and after

Logo Nokia before and after

Logo Audi before and after

Logo Disney before and after

Logo Walmart before and after

Logo Amazon before and after

Logo Visa before and after

Logo Starbucks before and after

Logo Pampers before and after

Logo Play Boy before and after

Logo Adobe before and after

Logo Mtv before and after

Logo Bored Panda before and after

Logo Burger King before and after

Logo Nestlè before and after

Logo P&G before and after

Logo Apple before and after

Logo Heineken before and after

Logo at&t before and after

Logo Dell before and after

Logo British airways before and after

Logo Samsung before and after

Logo Canon before and after

Logo Ford before and after

Logo Discovery channel before and after

Logo Xerox before and after

Logo Shell before and after

Logo RCA before and after

Logo Nissan before and after

Logo Nintendo before and after

Logo Microsoft before and after

Logo McDonald’s before and after

Logo Mazda before and after

Logo Lego before and after

Logo Lays before and after

Logo Kodak before and after

Logo IBM before and after

Logo Ge Healthcare before and after

Logo Mozilla before and after

Logo Eskimo before and after


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